Assessing Risk and Taking Action: Threats and Violence in the Federal Workplace


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We were all still processing the news of the horrific gun violence at a dance studio in Monterey Park, Calif., that killed 11 people, when news broke of another mass shooting in the Golden State. Authorities have deemed the shooting in Half Moon Bay that killed seven as “workplace violence” that stemmed from “workplace conflict.”

Whether it’s a disgruntled employee or customer, or a domestic issue that follows an employee to work, workplaces are at a distinct risk of violent incidents.

How you prepare yourself to protect the lives of those around you? Are there risk factors that might give you an indication of when someone will become violent? What can you do to help prevent a violent tragedy occurring where you work?

This topic is too important to ignore. FELTG Instructor Shana Palmieri, LCSW presents Assessing Risk and Taking Action: Threats and Violence in the Federal Workplace. Ms. Palmieri, who specializes in mental health and handled the aftermath of the Navy Yard shooting in 2013, covers:

  • Warning signs that violence may be imminent, and dynamic risk and protective factors for workplace targeted violence
  • Creating an internal threat assessment investigation
  • Equipping Threat Management Teams to respond to threats or violent acts
  • Understanding the personality traits and cognitive issues that contribute to violent behavior – and those that don’t
  • Domestic or intimate partner violence and the federal workplace




Shana Palmieri

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