Inspector General News

What you should know about the happenings in the IG community.

Symptoms and Vaccines: FELTG Answers Your COVID Questions

We covered a lot of ground during FELTG’s four-day Emerging Issues in Federal Employment Law event last month. It was a week of engaging instruction, and the questions continued to pour in days after the event ended. Not surprisingly, a lot of the questions involved...

The Golden Doodle Who Wouldn’t Nuzzle: A Service Dog, or Not?

By Deborah Hopkins, April 20, 2021 While preparing the materials for an upcoming training session Ricky Rowe and I are presenting at FELTG’s annual Emerging Issues in Federal Employment Law virtual forum, I came across a case that I thought prudent to share –...

Being a Member of Protected Class Is Not a Free Pass to Harass Others

By Meghan Droste, April 20, 2021 It’s hard to believe it’s been more than a year since I’ve been able to teach a class in person. I’m so grateful that we live in a time when technology makes it possible for us to continue teaching and learning in a virtual...

And Now Another Word With … Scott Boehm

By Michael Rhoads, March 16, 2021 A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry There are many wishes I have for 2021, but the short list is: Lose a little weight. Take my wife and kids on a “road trip” vacation. So how can I make these dreams a...

Does Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ Create a Hostile Work Environment?

By Deborah Hopkins, February 10, 2021 Last summer, at the height of the Black Lives Matters protests, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) issued guidance on whether Federal employees were permitted to display Black Lives Matter paraphernalia in the workplace....

Is Whistleblowing Different Under a Biden Administration?

By Deborah Hopkins, February 10, 2021 We have a new President in the White House, there’s something you may not have realized: He sees things differently than the last guy who occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. At FELTG we try not to wade into the merits of politics;...

The State of the Civil Service: The Whiplash is Real

By Deborah Hopkins, January 25, 2021 For the last couple of Januaries, I have written an article on the state of the civil service. It provides a glimpse of where  we’ve been over the last year, and gives me a chance to point out the one or two significant changes we...

Inspector General Corner: Leadership and Oversight Go Hand in Hand

By Scott Boehm, January 11, 2021 We all need oversight. Although sometimes we may not want it.  During our childhoods, we had oversight from parents, teachers, coaches, relatives and mentors. It wasn’t always pleasant, but think of where you might be today if you...

And Now a Word With … Scott Boehm

By Dan Gephart, June 30, 2020 Inspectors general have a penchant lately for making headlines. During one short period a couple of weeks ago, one news site had three different stories about IGs. There was a warning from IGs about stimulus plan oversight, a request from...


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