Supervisory Training Courses

Group of three professionals discusses document in hand

At FELTG, we understand how important the managers and supervisors are to every agency’s workforce. These training courses are specifically designed to meet essential training requirements and provide your supervisors with the skills they need to effectively manage their employees within the guidelines of the law. Managers and supervisors who attend FELTG training learn how to comply with President Biden’s Executive Orders and how to streamline procedures for handling poor performance per OPM and OMB requirements. From first-line supervisors to senior executives, federal managers at all levels will benefit from the various adaptations of these programs.

Several of these courses, as well as all of FELTG’s Leadership and Team Effectiveness courses, align with the Office of Personnel Management’s Executive Core Qualifications. The ECQs are required for entry to the Senior Executive Service and are used by many departments and agencies in selection, performance management, and leadership development for management and executive positions.

To find out how these courses align with OPM ECQs, click here. Any of these programs may be presented onsite, or on a virtual platform. See below for program topics and descriptions.

MG-1: UnCivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct (1-2 days)

FELTG’s flagship course UnCivil Servant empowers federal supervisors to confidently handle the challenges that come with supervising in the federal workplace. We hope that you never have to fire an employee. But it’s important that you have the tools to effectively address poor performance and misconduct, should the need arise. UnCivil Servant identifies misconceptions about performance and misconduct-based actions and provides you with simple step-by-step guidance for taking swift, appropriate and legally defensible actions.
Course Topics: Supervisory authority; employee rights; fundamentals of disciplinary actions and unacceptable performance actions; establishing rules of conduct; proving misconduct; selecting a defensible penalty; providing due process via agency discipline procedures; writing valid performance standards; handling performance problems; implementing an Opportunity to Demonstrate Acceptable Performance; removal for unacceptable performance in 31 days.
Note: This course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) mandatory training requirements for new supervisors.

MG-2: The Supervisor’s Role in EEO (1/2-1 day)

For many federal supervisors, the EEO process is mysterious and foreboding. With this course, FELTG aims to make it less so. Federal supervisors have a role to play in the EEO process – and it’s an important one. FELTG’s experienced instructors describe that role in detail and provide specific guidance of how to handle each step along the way, whether the complaint involves allegations of intentional discrimination, hostile work environment harassment, retaliation, or failure to accommodate. Attendees will leave this course with a thorough understanding of how to best defend against EEO complaints, and how to foster a healthy work environment where fewer complaints are filed.

Course Topics: The role of EEO in the federal government; defining protected categories: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, genetics, and reprisal; what to do if you’re a Responding Management Official in a complaint; defending against frivolous complaints; EEO witness tips.

MG-3: Preventing and Correcting Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace (1/2-1 day)

The #MeToo movement has had a noticeable influence on the workplace. There has been a noticeable increase in sexual harassment complaints, according to EEOC reports. Supervisors who attend this course will learn their responsibilities to respond to harassment claims, as well as how to effectively address situations before they rise to the level of harassment.

Course Topics: Definition of sexual harassment; circumstances that constitute harassment; roles in harassment; tangible employment actions; LGBTQ protections; same-sex harassment; strategies for prevention.

MG-4: Supervising in a Unionized Environment (1 day)

Does it sometimes feel like there are different rules for employees in unions? Well, there are. And if you supervise bargaining unit employees, you need to know those rules. This course will explain those rules and everything else federal supervisors need to know about federal labor unions.

Course Topics: Collective bargaining agreements; official time; LR meetings; an overview of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute; fundamental employee, union, and management rights; unfair labor practices; union representative rights to participate in meetings; controlling official time; handling information requests.

MG-5: Effectively Managing and Communicating with Federal Employees (1-2 days)

There is a significant difference between managing and leading, and we’ll explain that difference in detail. Attendees will leave this training with the know-how to use social styles to communicate and manage conflict with precision, and a structured approach to high-stakes conversations.

Course Topics: Identifying and honing your supervisory skills; managing difficult employee personality types; managing a multigenerational workforce; managing a mobile workforce; using structured communication with your employees; conflict resolution skills; utilizing a team-based approach in the federal government.

MG-6: Leave-Related Discipline & Medical Removals
(1 day)

Federal employees enjoy a wide variety of leave-related benefits. And sometimes they enjoy a little too much leave. Can you discipline, or even remove, an employee for taking too much leave? You most certainly can, but it’s not easy. Let FELTG walk you through all the charges and rules, as well as how to handle employees are unable to perform the job due to medical reasons. The course includes a workshop to help you hone the skills you need to handle the most challenging leave situations.

Course Topics: Handling the leave abuser according to the legal discipline process; documentation necessary to discipline an employee for leave abuse; steps to disciplining leave abusers; AWOL charges; leave restriction; excessive absence removals; medical inability to perform removals. 

MG-7: Making Performance Plans Work (1 day)

Don’t let your poor performance drag your unit or your agency down.  This one-day course will give you the direction you need to effectively and quickly deal with poor performance in the federal workplace – and to be able to survive third-party review.

Course Topics: Legal and regulatory background; environment; system requirements; performance plan elements and standards; feedback; applying performance plans; MSPB decisions on performance measures; Performance Plan Review Workshop; Within-Grade Increases; unacceptable performance; Opportunity to Demonstrate Acceptable Performance; taking performance-based actions.

MG-8: Understanding Misconduct Investigations (1-2 days)

This one- or two-day dive into investigations provides managers and supervisors with a thorough grasp of how misconduct should be investigated to withstand third-party scrutiny.

Course Topics: Investigative authority; investigative interviews; witness rights in a unionized organization; comparative liability; collecting penalty evidence; what supervisors should know about reprisal and retaliation.

MG-9: Handling Behavioral Health Issues and Threats of Violence in the Federal Workplace (1-2 days)

These are the kind of workplace challenges that make you pause and, sometimes, doubt yourself. What should you do if someone threatens violence at your agency? How can you best prepare yourself to protect the lives of those around you? Are there risk factors that might give you an indication of when someone will become violent? What do you do when an employee with bipolar disorder is going through a manic phase? Our behavior health expert will provide you with real answers – once that require more understanding more than the law says. For federal managers, these topics are too important to ignore.

Course Topics: Your agency’s legal obligation to provide its employees with a safe workplace; ADAAA requirements on accommodating individuals with mental impairments and other behavioral health issues; types of mental disabilities and how they may exhibit in the workplace; the “direct threat” analysis; dealing with suicidal employees; dos and don’ts when working employees who have behavioral health issues; myths and facts about targeted violence in the workplace; individual characteristics that put an employee at higher risk of committing an act of violence; steps to take if someone becomes violent in the workplace; developing and implement an in-house threat management team to deal with threat assessments; risk management; the best ways to keep employees safe during a crisis.

MG-10: Mindset Matters: Making the Transition from Individual Contributor to Supervisor (1 day)

Receiving a promotion is a career highlight. However, if that promotion means you’re now supervising your former co-workers, then it also means you’re about to navigate the trickiest part of your career. This one-day course is perfect those who have been promoted, or hope to be promoted at some point, and will cover the following competencies — leading people, resilience, decisiveness, flexibility.

Course Topics: Assessing existing managerial knowledge, skills, behaviors, and confidence; understanding the art and science behind managing others; differentiating between a general mindset, positional mindset, and job-specific mindset; understanding the traits that directly correlate with the ability to accurately assess performance; create a personal development strategy to transition to supervision. 

MG-11: Leadership Deep Dive (1-2 days)

Take one or two days to submerge yourself into this interactive course led by nationally recognized leadership scholar and trainer Dr. Anthony J. Marchese and you’ll leave with a roadmap for continuously improving your leadership skills. The four areas of content (Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading Teams, Leading the Agency) can be emphasized and focused on the needs of the group in attendance.

Course Topics: Equipping individuals at all levels with the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and confidence to lead with excellence; research-inspired best-practices and a practice-driven approach to increasing leadership effectiveness; self-assessments; an easy-to-remember framework for managing conversations with employees; strategies for cultivating high-performing teams; recommendations to increase your influence within your agency.

MG-12: The High-Performing Team (1 day)

This interactive, full-day learning experience is based upon Social Styles, an industry-tested assessment that helps leaders leverage individual personality types and strengths to promote accurate communication, diminish unhealthy conflict, and increase individual and collective performance. The High-Performing Team, led by nationally recognized leadership scholar and trainer Dr. Anthony J. Marchese, includes assessments, relevant articles and videos, real-life simulations, and practical suggestions for ongoing sustainability.

Course topics:  The neuroscience behind peak performance; the composition of teams of excellence; strategies to understand and negotiate individual differences; align team goals with those of the agency.

MG-13: Developing & Defending Discipline: Holding Federal Employees Accountable (3 days)

Holding federal employees accountable for performance and conduct is easier than you might think. Too many supervisors believe that an employee’s protected activity (EEO complaints, whistleblower disclosures, or union activity) precludes the supervisor from initiating a suspension or removal, but that’s just not true. FELTG is here to make federal supervisors’ lives easier by clarifying those misconceptions while helping supervisors understand how to take defensible misconduct actions quickly and fairly – actions that withstand scrutiny on appeal by the MSPB, EEOC, or in grievance arbitration.

Course Topics:

Day 1 – Accountability for Conduct and Performance, Part I: Accountability and supervisory authority; discipline and misconduct theory and practice; penalty defense and due process; discipline procedures and appeals; psychology of performance appraisal; performance-based removal procedures.

Day 2 – Accountability for Conduct and Performance, Part II: Completing a performance action; team workshop; mentoring programs; handling the absent employee; union considerations; understanding the federal supervisor’s personal liability in employment actions.

Day 3 – Defending Against Discrimination Complaints: The Supervisor’s Role: The role of EEO in the federal government; defining protected categories: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, genetic information and reprisal; theories of discrimination; agency defenses; what to do if you’re a Responding Management Official in a complaint; what happens if you’re called as an EEO witness.

Note: This course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) mandatory training requirements for new supervisors.

MG-14: Managing Federal Employee Accountability
(5 days)

One of the biggest myths about federal employees is that it’s very difficult to hold them accountable. This five-day program will disprove that myth, while making lives much easier for the supervisors who attend. Our presenters will explain how to take defensible misconduct and performance actions quickly and fairly. This is the only course that teaches supervisors the skills to manage in a unionized environment and to handle leave abuse, EEO complaints, and reasonable accommodation requests? Attendees will also learn workplace management, communication, and leadership skills that will help when dealing with the most challenging situations and employees. And then there’s this bonus: The course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) mandatory training requirements for new supervisors.

Course Topics (note: the order of training days may be altered based on instructor availability):

Day 1 – Uncivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct: Fundamentals of disciplinary actions and unacceptable performance actions; establishing rules of conduct; proving misconduct; selecting a defensible penalty; providing due process via agency discipline procedures; writing valid performance standards; implement an Opportunity to Demonstrate Acceptable Performance; removal for unacceptable performance in 31 days.

Day 2 – The Supervisor’s Role in EEO: The role of EEO in the federal government; defining protected categories: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability and reprisal; what to do if you’re a Responding Management Official in a complaint; EEO witness tips.

Day 3 – Essential Management Skills for Federal Supervisors: Communicating effectively with employees; managing a multigenerational workforce; handling difficult employees; managing a mobile workforce; mentorship; identifying your leadership skills; bullying v. harassment; “robust debate” and union employees.

Day 4 – Managing Employee Leave Abuse: Types of leave and leave entitlements; overviews of Family and Medical Leave Act; Office of Workers Compensation Program absences; leave as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; leave as religious accommodation; leave abuse; alternative, modified and compressed work schedules; managing telework; the magic of Medical Inability to Perform removals.

Day 5 – Supervising in a Unionized Environment: What every supervisor should know about federal labor unions; collective bargaining agreements; official time; LR meetings; an overview of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute; fundamental employee, union, and management rights; unfair labor practices; controlling official time; handling information requests.


Day 5 – Effectively Managing and Communicating with Federal Employees: Managing vs. leading; identifying and honing your supervisory skills; managing difficult employee personality types; managing a multigenerational workforce; managing a mobile workforce; using structured communication with your employees; conflict resolution skills; utilizing a team-based approach in the federal government.

MG-15: The Performance Equation: Providing Feedback That Makes a Difference (1/2-day)

There is one action you can take that, when done effectively, could have a major impact on your team’s morale and productivity, and that is providing employees with honest feedback.  This half-day training experience will equip participants to nurture a culture of candor, while exposing feedback myths and ineffective practices.

Course Topics: Tools and frameworks for training others to provide feedback; and best practices for nurturing a culture of healthy and actionable feedback.

MG-16: Jumping In: Be Confident When Managing Conflict (1 day)

Conflict is going to happen. And the best thing a manager can do is address it confidently. Avoiding conflict or failing to address it effectively will put a serious crimp in agency morale and productivity. This simulation-based training will examine conflict through interpersonal relationships as well as within teams. Attendees will leave with an invaluable skill in their supervisory toolbox.

Course Topics: Reassessing beliefs about conflict; the dimensions of conflict; misconceptions about conflict; benefits of conflict; practical strategies for facilitating conflict.

Upcoming Supervisory Training Events

Virtual Training Event – Advanced MSPB Law: Navigating Complex Issues
Jul 9 – Jul 11 all-day

Download Individual Registration Form

Course Description

Do you want to take your knowledge and understanding of MSPB law to a new level? Have you let your skills languish while the Board sat empty and quorum-less for several years? Want to confidently address the knotty Federal employment law issues that challenge even the most experienced advisors?

FELTG’s three-day Advanced MPSB Law: Navigating Complex Issues is an in-depth, highly interactive virtual training event that will not only meet all those needs, but help you reach the top of your game.

During Advanced MSPB, FELTG’s team of top MSPB practitioners and topic authors will move beyond the foundations discussed in MSPB Law Week and dive deep into high-level discussions on effective strategies and techniques for managing disciplinary and performance issues, including those that crossover with EEO.

Tuesday, July 9

Discipline Issues: Understanding the nexus requirement; progressive discipline; alternative discipline; comparator employees, and more.

Wednesday, July 10

Performance and Probationary Challenges: Writing effective performance standards; managing up and down performance; understanding and utilizing employee probationary periods, and more.

Thursday, July 11

Mixed Cases; Reasonable Accommodation: Reasonable accommodation and the intersection with performance and conduct; mixed cases; and more.

Date and Time

July 9-11, 2024

1 – 4:30 pm ET each day


Bob Woods


Download Individual Registration Form


Early Bird Tuition (register by June 9):

  • 3 days = $1095
  • 2 days = $825
  • 1 day = $495

Standard Tuition (register June 10 – July 11):

  • 3 days = $1195
  • 2 days = $925
  • 1 day = $595


Event FAQs

  • Can I attend Virtual Training from my government computer?
    • FELTG uses Zoom for this Virtual Training Institute event. Many government computers and systems allow Zoom access. If for some reason your firewall will not allow access, you’re welcome to use your personal email address to register, and to attend the sessions from your personal device.
  • Can I earn CLE credits for this class?
    • CLE applications are the responsibility of each attendee; FELTG does not apply for the credits on behalf of attendees.  If you are seeking CLE credit, attendees may use the materials provided by FELTG in submission to your state bar. Attendees may also request a certificate of completion which will contain the number of training hours attended.
  • Can I share my access link with co-workers?
    • No. Registration for this event is per individual, and access links may not be shared. Each link may only be used by one person.
  • Can I register a teleworker?
    • This event is individual registration, so the cost is the same whether the person is teleworking or in an agency facility.
  • How do I receive a group rate discount?
    • Group rates are available for agencies registering 10 or more individuals for the full event. Group discounts are available through June 9, 2024.
Webinar Series – Managing the Federal Workplace in 2024: Dos and Don’ts for Supervisors
Jul 16 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Course Description

Being a Federal supervisor is a demanding job, made even more extracting by constant changes in Federal employment law. FELTG’s annual webinar series Managing the Federal Workplace in 2024: Dos and Don’ts for Supervisors aims to make the job a little less demanding, while providing you guidance and tools to understand the latest changes.

If you’ve attended FELTG’s previous supervisory webinar series, UnCivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct, or any of our other flagship courses, these fast-paced and engaging 60-minute sessions, held monthly from 1 – 2 pm ET, will expand upon the legal and foundational principles shared in those sessions with best practices to handle AWOL, improve performance, adopt coaching, accommodate employees with disabilities, and determine whether to invite the union to a meeting.

FELTG’s annual supervisory series will get you up to speed quickly, without wasting any of your time. Just 60 minutes each month. The sessions are taught live by FELTG’s experience instructors AND you’ll have the chance to ask questions and get answers — in real time.

2024 dates and topics:

April 9: Handling AWOL and Failure to Follow Leave Procedures

It’s one of the situations most managers would most like to avoid — an employee who doesn’t show up for work. As agencies order some employees to return to the physical workplace, the chances an employee will not show up and not provide notice has increased. Is the best way to discipline the employee to charge him with AWOL?  What if he comes up with a reasonable explanation for his absence?  Can you deny a leave request when an employee was AWOL? This class will give you all of the tools and knowledge you need to successfully and confidently respond when employees fail to follow leave procedures.

May 7: How to Use a PIP in 2024

Federal supervisors have a useful tool to deal with underperforming employees – the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). Yet, supervisors have consistently struggled with getting PIPs right. And then came the decision in Santos v. NASA, which requires agencies to have substantial evidence of poor performance BEFORE the implementing the PIP. This class will detail the ins and outs of this requirement and share clear guidance and the effective, time-tested FELTG approach to handling unacceptable performance in 2024. 

June 4: Coaching for Individuals and Teams – Tips for Supervisors

Working with a skilled coach can transform individuals and teams. When coaching an individual supervisor, the coach creates a safe and confidential space to clarify issues. A client learns to maximize strengths and minimize self-sabotage, and to improve communication (up, down, and across the organization). When working with a team, the coach employs observation, discussion and assessments to understand and minimize unproductive conflict and maximize the talents and perspectives of team members. During this hour-long class, participants will learn what to expect when working with a coach, the complementary roles of a facilitator, consultant, and coach, and examples of positive outcomes for individuals and teams.

July 16: Providing Effective Reasonable Accommodations in 2024 for Disability, Pregnancy, and Religion 

The reasonable accommodation process has always been challenging and full of surprises. The past year alone has seen the introduction of a new reasonable accommodation requirement for pregnant employees and the Supreme Court’s decision changing the undue hardship definition for religious accommodations. This fast-paced webinar will provide you with the most current legal and practical guidance.

August 6: The Union Doesn’t Get to Attend Every Meeting

Why do unions have the right to attend formal discussions? Why did Congress use the word “formal?” What does “formal” mean? What if the employee doesn’t want the union to attend the meeting? Is it better to just invite the union to every meeting? You have questions, questions, and more questions – and we have the answers in this webinar series finale.


Deborah Hopkins, Susan Schneider, Bob Woods


Download Individual Registration Form


Early Bird Tuition (register by March 8):

  • One Webinar: $145
  • Two Webinars: $275
  • Three Webinars: $395
  • Four Webinars: $525
  • All Access: $655
  • Rates per registrant.

Standard Tuition (register March 9-August 6): 

  • One Webinar: $195
  • Two Webinars: $315
  • Three Webinars: $430
  • Four Webinars: $550
  • All Access: $695
  • Rates per registrant.
  • Want to register a group? Group discounts for 10 or more attendees are available through March 8. Contact FELTG.


Cancellation and No-show Policy for Registered Participants: Cancellations made after the cancel date on the registration form will not be refunded or given credit toward future courses. Pre-paid training using the “Pay Now” option will not be refunded or given credit toward future courses. No-shows will not be refunded or given credit toward future courses.

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